Worth a thousand words ...
Random Jersey Photos
I have this bad habit of carrying a camera around with me wherever I go. To the point where I was nicknamed "stalker-azzi" by some fellow interns a few years ago. I'm one of "those" people who take photos at any moment, not just birthdays and holidays. You never know when you'll need a picture of bagels in a suitcase. (See below.) So, it's only natural I give you these five random photos and the Jersey stories behind them.

I don't know what these pink flowering trees are, but they're beautiful. They're blooming everywhere I go. I love them, but I wonder if I'm allergic to them, like everything else in Jersey. No really, I have some serious allergies, to the point where my doctor said I was allergic to the whole freakin' state.

Funny story. On a recent trip to Jersey, my mom's coworkers requested she bring them back "real bagels." We ordered three dozen from Bagels International in Bradley Beach and picked them up only hours before she needed to be at the airport. After they were packed into plastic bags, we put them into regular shopping bags for her to carry on. We realized it was a lost cause, so I offered up my suitcase to her. She got some strange looks from security checkpoints and I got some bad news: My luggage smelled of onion. Yuck!

Florida plates that say "I MISS TX" in the Jersey snow. So totally me.

While on the Good Life fashion shoot last year, we photographed the models sitting on a plane. Here, the art and photo directors, with the help of a kid, pushed the plane in place.

When I first moved here, I stayed in Jersey City for a while. I took this randomly from a pier before boarding the Path Train to Manhattan for the first time.
On the iPod: Steve Perry, "Greatest Hits"
I have this bad habit of carrying a camera around with me wherever I go. To the point where I was nicknamed "stalker-azzi" by some fellow interns a few years ago. I'm one of "those" people who take photos at any moment, not just birthdays and holidays. You never know when you'll need a picture of bagels in a suitcase. (See below.) So, it's only natural I give you these five random photos and the Jersey stories behind them.

I don't know what these pink flowering trees are, but they're beautiful. They're blooming everywhere I go. I love them, but I wonder if I'm allergic to them, like everything else in Jersey. No really, I have some serious allergies, to the point where my doctor said I was allergic to the whole freakin' state.

Funny story. On a recent trip to Jersey, my mom's coworkers requested she bring them back "real bagels." We ordered three dozen from Bagels International in Bradley Beach and picked them up only hours before she needed to be at the airport. After they were packed into plastic bags, we put them into regular shopping bags for her to carry on. We realized it was a lost cause, so I offered up my suitcase to her. She got some strange looks from security checkpoints and I got some bad news: My luggage smelled of onion. Yuck!

Florida plates that say "I MISS TX" in the Jersey snow. So totally me.

While on the Good Life fashion shoot last year, we photographed the models sitting on a plane. Here, the art and photo directors, with the help of a kid, pushed the plane in place.

When I first moved here, I stayed in Jersey City for a while. I took this randomly from a pier before boarding the Path Train to Manhattan for the first time.
On the iPod: Steve Perry, "Greatest Hits"
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