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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Let the fighting begin ...

There are a few controversial issues I don't like talking about; I always end up in fights, and that's just not healthy for friendships. In fact I make it a rule not to talk about politics, religion or the death penalty. I believe people have the right to their own opinions and beliefs, but seriously, I don't want to get into it.

That said, I'm about to do something I hate. Talk about a controversial issue. I'm about to unleash Pandora's box. I'm sorry.

So here we go: dating in the workplace.

There, I said it. I mean it's no TomKat, but it's a controversial topic. Everyone's got an opinion. Everyone. It doesn't matter what your age, race, sexual orientation or gender are, because this topic is universal.

A good number of people I know are PDC (pro dating co-workers) and ADC (against dating co-workers).

PDCs are totally for it; they date co-workers (or are willing too) and don't feel it's a problem. Some say it's never an issue if they work with their significant other; it's great to have them around and see so much of each other. Sure working with them 'could' cause problems, but so could a lot of things. You have to work at it, just like other relationships. Many say it's the PDA levels they need to watch at work, as kissy-kissy face can lead to a gag reflex among co-workers.

ADCs say they'll never do it (or do it again); dating a co-worker is just never a good idea. Things can end up messy. Seeing someone for that much time can drive you mad or lead you to more drinking. (No really, people have told me that.) What happens if one of you has more power or status in the workplace? What happens if you break up -- could you bring yourself to still work with them? It's not like you could "just avoid them" or ship them to a small island off the coast of Guam.

Then there are people like me who straddle the fence.

I'm not saying I would, but I'm not saying I wouldn't. I've seen it go both ways.

One of the best couples I know met at work (years and years ago) and got engaged recently. Back in the day, I saw them interact in and out of the work place and it gave me hope. They somehow found a balance, as she was in charge of the place and he was an underling.

Then again, I've seen the worst: where the two break-up and hate each other. No, REALLY HATE EACH OTHER and make the environment hostile for everyone. Dude, I never like choosing side, much less at work. Come on, do I really need to be dragged into this?

A good friend put it this way: I don't think anyone is really looking to date a co-worker. It just seems like we fall into it; it's proximity. It happens.

Here's hoping if I do fall, that I land softly.

On the iPod: Damone, "Out Here All Night"


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