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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I blog; therefore I am

I knew at some point this would happen: I would blog about blogging.

So here we go.

I think blogging is like cheap therapy.

No really, I think it's becoming our new version of journaling.

Sometimes you really need to get things off your chest; you just need to put it out there.

And in this day and age, the "there" is becoming the great abyss of the World Wide Web.

There are blogs for everything, and for everyone. I've got friends with photo blogs (she's actually getting her Ph.D. in neuroscience), and photo friends with "word" blogs.

I've seen some by grandparents boasting about their grandkids. And some about travels to exotic lands, like Milwaukee.

But many seem to be about day-to-day life and how people are dealing with pressures of work, school, dating and such.

Now back to the whole cheap therapy thing.

I think in some ways this is awesome. If it helps relieve some of the stress and gets your blood pressure down, that's awesom-rific.

Then again, if you're like me, you could constantly wonder if people are getting the wrong impression of you. You start to wonder, "is this funny, is this too serious, is it too much or to little? Do they 'get' me?"

But if you're like me, you'll end up throwing your hands up and saying "whatever."

The thing about blogging: you're almost always guaranteed to have someone blogging about a worse topic than yours.

Like the dude blogging about Milwaukee.

On the iPod: Lostprophets, "Start something"


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