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GannettUSA Today

Sunday, April 02, 2006

You spring forward I'll fall back

I'm all for falling back; I love gaining an hour. It's this whole spring forward thing that sucks.

I didn't even know until midnight that it was going to happen.

Now your saying "Lucy, this happens each year. How can you possibly be surprised?"

Well, I knew at some point the time gods would make us spring forward; I just didn't know it was going to happen this morning.

Now there are only three clocks in my life that are right -- cell phone, cable box and computer -- and they all reset automatically.

Even when I got to work today the clocks were wrong. I was so confused.

Not to mention my internal clock is still set to Central Time, an hour behind Jersey time.

Now lets make matters worse.

I'm notorious for being late to everything and anything. Really, check it out:
1) My mom says this started in the womb, as I was two weeks late.
2) Friends have taken to telling me to be at places 30 minute before I really need to be. Some have even started to make it an hour.
3) People say I have my own time; "Lucy time" is half an hour after normal time. Much like party time, less like Miller time.

Currently telling time for me is like a bad SAT word problem:

If you take the actual time, subtract one hour for Central Time, add 30 minutes for Lucy time, and add 30 minutes for being late, what time is it?
a) Lucy time
b) Daylight Savings Time
c) Party time
d) None of the above

If I did the math correctly, then I'm on time. Who would have known?

On the iPod: Gorillaz, "Demon Days"


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