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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

When Lucy met HBO ...

So I did it.

I got HBO.

I had to. It was a moral imperative. I never listened to the chatter about "The Sopranos" before. I didn't care who was sick or who got whacked.

Then Season Six began, and it started to get spoiled. All the TV channels flashed Tony getting shot. My co-workers/friends/family talked about the show. I tried to tune them out; I wanted to watch the whole season -- not just hear about bits and pieces.

It's worse than missing an episode of "Lost" and trying to not get people to talk about it.

Then it happened. During the Good Life photo shoot, someone said, "Can you believe Tony's in a coma?"

I couldn't believe it. There it was. It was spoiled. The dude apologized. But I was mad. Not even two episodes into the show, and it was spoiled.

That night I was still fuming and wanted to watch the new season.

Instead I tried to On Demand a movie. But, I didn't have the pin to purchase it. I didn't even know there was a pin, much less the actual number. So I had to call the cable company at 11:53 p.m. (yeah, I know -- I can't believe I remember that either).

After the pin matter was settled, I asked casually, "How much for HBO?"

She gave me a price. But I didn't hear it -- I only remember that it was under $20 -- I didn't care. She said could I get HBO On Demand for a month for free. FREE.

My mind raced to watching "The Sopranos" whenever I wanted. I was sold. Eleven HBOs and HBO On Demand. Then came the cherry. I got them in seconds. SECONDS.

And what would be starting at that exact moment? That's right: "The Sopranos."

Sometime things just fall into place and are meant to be. This was one of them.

I don't know why it took me so long to get into this show. Maybe moving to Jersey gave me more reason to watch, or helped me appreciate it more. Whatever it was, I'm lovin' Tony S. in my life.

On the iPod: My Chemical Romance, "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge"


Blogger Snowbear said...

I used your profile picture, and LINKED back to your site, check it out. Some background music or pics could be cool...

4:13 PM  

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