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GannettUSA Today

Sunday, April 30, 2006

You are overdrawn ...

Off on a tanget
Issue #98: Debt sucks

I really needed that shirt. Oh, and those concert tickets, and, all that girly-stuff from Sophora. No really, I did. And all those purchases from iTunes are totally necessary.

OK, they aren't, but that's what I tell myself when I have to look at my bank statement each month. Even now I'm getting chills down my spine just thinking about it.

So here's the thing about being in your 20s. It seems no matter what we do, we're always in debt.

I don't know if it's our failure to see the big picture, massive student loans, the constant need to upgrade our technology, or just our inability to balance a checkbook that's left many of us in this situation.

A good number of my friends have been able to save money, but it's been an uphill battle to do so. We're constantly bled dry with all of the post-college expenses of moving, job hunting, graduate school or simply trying to stay afloat in this economy. (Not to mention gas prices!)

Some (including I) have given up going out to dinner, to bars -- actually, going out period -- in hopes of saving something. Anything. Just realizing how much money I threw down on beer and vodka while in the City freaked me out. Now I'm dryer than the prohibition.

I know what some people are saying. We don't know the value of a dollar. We need to learn to save better. We need to learn to spend wisely.

Well let me tell you.


It took more than 10 years for me to grasp this concept.

It's like an unending cycle of pain. Just when you think you've paid off all the bills, some "life event" screws up your plans -- and there you are, giving up beer again to save money.

Even the BFF who's known for her wise monetary investments is going to be like me soon --because of grad school. "Being poor sucks. I'm not even broke yet, and I can sense the pain," she said. Grad school is a money hungry machine that takes everything you've got, and then asks for your first-born.

So here I am, realizing I didn't need that shirt or all that makeup. What I needed was to be out of debt so I could lease a car or think about buying a home. Maybe I didn't need those tickets to the Foo Fighters ... well, I did need those.

On the iPod: Ashley Parker Angel, "Let U Go"


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