My, what big sunglasses you have
Off on a tangent:
ISSUE #55 - My Photo
There's a good reason I have on enormous sunglasses.
We had the Good Life photo shoot at 9 am last week. That might not seem early for some, but for me it was an ungodly hour. Not to mention I went to a photo shoot the day before at 8:15 a.m.
Oh yeah, and this was after the 12-hour day of travel from Austin to New Jersey.
Anyways, the stylist brought all these sunglasses. For some reason the large ones with rhinestones caught my eye. I don't know why. Maybe it's my love of sparkly things.
The catch: They were by JLo. That alone was hard to stomach.
I liked them nonetheless and put them on. That was it. This was going to be my new blog photo.
They had already taken my picture earlier that morning. I looked pretty crappy.
So we took it again.
This time with the rhinestone sunglass (mainly to cover the circles under my eyes) and exposing my new "Austin" T-shirt.
The photo editor snapped one shot and said, "That's it. Why go on? That was perfect."
So there it is. My "perfect" photo.
Yeah, at least you can't see the dark circles under my eyes.
On the iPod: Trapt - "Waiting" single
ISSUE #55 - My Photo
There's a good reason I have on enormous sunglasses.
We had the Good Life photo shoot at 9 am last week. That might not seem early for some, but for me it was an ungodly hour. Not to mention I went to a photo shoot the day before at 8:15 a.m.
Oh yeah, and this was after the 12-hour day of travel from Austin to New Jersey.
Anyways, the stylist brought all these sunglasses. For some reason the large ones with rhinestones caught my eye. I don't know why. Maybe it's my love of sparkly things.
The catch: They were by JLo. That alone was hard to stomach.
I liked them nonetheless and put them on. That was it. This was going to be my new blog photo.
They had already taken my picture earlier that morning. I looked pretty crappy.
So we took it again.
This time with the rhinestone sunglass (mainly to cover the circles under my eyes) and exposing my new "Austin" T-shirt.
The photo editor snapped one shot and said, "That's it. Why go on? That was perfect."
So there it is. My "perfect" photo.
Yeah, at least you can't see the dark circles under my eyes.
On the iPod: Trapt - "Waiting" single